Our team
Our team’s experience and knowledge will help you and your family stay healthy and happy for a long time
Dr Martine, Chiropractor-owner
- Mother of 4 amazing children
- Loves life and people
- Wears tutus on occasions
- 13 years of study in university
- Special interest in pregnant women, children and neurology
Mélissa, Chief Chiropractic Assistant
- Mother of 3 extraordinary children
- Loves to have fun
- A talented artist at heart
- Makes you feel at home and at ease

Chloé, Chiropractic Assistant
Full time university student
Loves chocolate!
Always considers every child that comes in as her favorite one
Éloi, Chiropractic Assistant
- Full time student
- Loves anything with wheels
- Makes people feel comfortable and included

Maude, Chiropractic Assistant
Full time student
Loves animals!
Lots of fun to be around